
Pleyn Delit: Medieval Cookery for Modern Cooks (Constance B. Hieatt, Brenda Hosington, Sharon Butler)
$ 74.55
$ 58.61

*Sale* (Food History) Nigel Garwood & Rainer Voigt. Food Mania: An Extraordinary Visual Record of the Art of Food, from Kitchen Garden to Banqueting Table.
$ 64.87
$ 55.60

Aguecheek's Beef, Belch's Hiccup, and Other Gastronomic Interjections: Literature, Culture, and Food among the Early Moderns (Robert Appelbaum)
$ 20.93
$ 17.02

Water of Life: A History of Wine-Distilling and Spirits 500 BC to AD 2000 (C. Anne Wilson)
$ 27.28
$ 22.28

Every Home a Distillery: Alcohol, Gender, and Technology in the Colonial Chesapeake (Sarah Hand Meacham)
$ 80.82
$ 63.76

Pickled, Potted, and Canned: How the Art and Science of Food Preserving Changed the World (Sue Shephard)
$ 34.27
$ 31.11

Obroni and the Chocolate Factory: An Unlikely Story of Globalization and Ghana's First Gourmet Chocolate Bar (Steven Wallace)
$ 38.24
$ 31.87

Seeds: Proceedings of the Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery 2018 (Mark McWilliams)
$ 73.71
$ 65.08

Baking Powder Wars: The Cutthroat Food Fight That Revolutionized Cooking (Linda Civitello)
$ 30.32
$ 24.17

Herring Tales: How the Silver Darlings Shaped Human Taste and History (Donald S. Murray)
$ 21.66
$ 16.93

Florence Crittenton League of Compassion Cook Book: Favorite Recipes of Celebrated People (May Fiske Hoffman, ed.)
$ 21.02
$ 17.94

(Aphrodisiac) Charles F. Heartman, ed. Cuisine de l'Amour: Aphrodisiac Culinary Manual.
$ 27.96
$ 24.83