
(American) Louise Bennett Weaver & Helen Cowles LeCron. A Thousand Ways to Please a Family, with Bettina's Best Recipes.
$ 56.66
$ 48.60

*Sale* The Italian Cooking Course: Techniques. Masterclasses. Ingredients. Traditional Recipes (Katie Caldesi)
$ 73.60
$ 59.96

At the Table of Power: Food and Cuisine in the African American Struggle for Freedom, Justice, and Equality (Diane Spivey)
$ 8.33
$ 7.20

Fresh India: 130 Quick, Easy and Delicious Vegetarian Recipes for Every Day (Meera Sodha)
$ 80.66
$ 71.96

Supergrains: Quinoa Wheat Farro- Spelt Amaranth Buckwheat Barley Corn Wild Rice Millet Teff Sorghum Chia Oats Rice Kamut Rye Triticale (Jenni. Muir)
$ 75.51
$ 60.98

*Sale* The Backyard Berry Book: A Hands-On Guide to Growing Berries, Brambles, and Vine Fruit in the Home Garden (Stella Otto)
$ 10.99
$ 8.65

Rorer, Mrs. Sara T. Dainty Dishes for All the Year Round, Part 1: Recipes for Ice Creams, Water Ices, Sherbets and other Frozen Desserts.
$ 85.81
$ 73.52

(Washington - Community Cookbook) Ladies of Stevens Woman's Relief Corps. The Household Cook Book, Tried and Found Good.
$ 88.69
$ 73.63

(Illinois - Community Cookbook) Woman's Society of the Winnetka Congregational Church. Good Recipes.
$ 11.67
$ 9.88

(Service) Anne Frances Springsteed. The Expert Waitress: A Manual for the Pantry, Kitchen, and Dining-Room.
$ 8.65
$ 7.67