
Dates: Imported and American Varieties of Dates in the United States (Donald R. Hodel & Dennis V. Johnson)
$ 66.54
$ 56.34

City Goats: The Goat Justice League's Guide to Backyard Goat Keeping (Jennie P. Grant)
$ 37.73
$ 30.72

The Wild & Weedy Apothecary: an A to Z Book of Herbal Concoctions, Recipes & Remedies, Practical Know-How & Food for the Soul (Doreen Shababy)
$ 46.17
$ 37.59

The Pain d'Avignon Baking Book: A War, An Unlikely Bakery, and a Master Class in Bread (Uliks Fehmiu, Kathleen Hackett)
$ 28.51
$ 22.28

The Complete Guide to Healthy Drinks: Powerhouse Ingredients, Endless Combinations (America's Test Kitchen)
$ 47.90
$ 37.14

Making Sauerkraut and Pickled Vegetables at Home (Klaus Kaufmann, Annelies Schöneck)
$ 59.14
$ 47.29

Victorian Preserves, Pickles, and Relishes: Authentic Treats, Recipes, and Customs from America's Bygone Era (Allison Kyle Leopold)
$ 42.22
$ 36.29

Marco Pierre White in Hell's Kitchen: Over 100 Wickedly Tempting Recipes (Marco Pierre White)
$ 21.50
$ 18.78

The Complete Modern Pantry Cookbook: 350+ Ways to Cook Well with What's on Hand (America's Test Kitchen)
$ 45.55
$ 36.90

(Mexican) Iturriaga de la Fuente, Jose. La Cocina Mexicana en los Paladares Extranjeros.
$ 50.73
$ 40.91

The Beginner's Guide to Cookie Decorating: Easy Techniques and Expert Tips for Designing and Icing Colorful Treats (Mary Valentino)
$ 15.19
$ 12.83