Pooch Pad's PoochPants Male Diaper Wraps are an innovative dog diaper that combines the absorbency and odour-controlling properties of PoochPads into a comfortable and easily managed diaper construction. Keep your "leaky" male pup bone-dry and protect their skin!
Key Features:
- Washable and reusable (guaranteed for 300 washes!)
- Controls odours
- Available in a variety of sizes
Measuring Guide:
Similar to sizing for PoochPants Diapers, these measurements will assist you in a proper fit for your pooch. The information below shows the circumference range (the distance around your pooch’s waist) for each size of PoochPants Male Diaper Wraps.
Circumference Range:
XS 10"-13"
SM 12" - 15"
LRG 23” - 28”
XLRG 28" - 35”