[3]-256 pp. Dec. white and orange cloth. First Edition. [Seattle: Washington Equal Suffrage Assoc., 1909].
Pages 213-247 are blank "For Extra Recipes," and each is filled by a contemporary hand with various recipes. According to CLIO Visualizing History, "The Washington Women’s Cook Book was one of a number of cookbooks produced over the course of the suffrage campaign, all designed to promote some combination of “good cooking and sure voting.” Modeled on the popular genre of charity cookbooks, the cookbooks were designed primarily as fundraisers but also proved quite helpful in building good will for the cause. By focusing on the womanly arts, cookbooks reinforced the key suffrage argument that voting would not strip women of their domestic skills. Or as the cover of the Washington Women’s Cook Book put it: 'Votes for Women/Good Things to Eat.' A year later Washington voters approved a state women’s suffrage referendum by a hefty 2-1 margin. It had been fourteen long years since Utah and Idaho had given women the vote, a period often referred to as 'the doldrums,' and the Washington state victory in 1910 proved a major turning point for the national campaign."
Rear pages are dedicated to writings about the progress of women's suffrage, as well as the 1889 plank of Republican candidates who failed to support the cause in Washington State. Very good to near fine. Very rare.