Cloth-backed dec. brown boards. Tenth Edition. London: Longmans, Green, 1890.
Kidney toast, iced savoury souffle, Russian biscuits, forced eggs in aspic, Indian eggs, and more wide-ranging savouries. Savouries a La Mode was the first of Mrs. De Salis' famed "a la Mode" series of cookbooks. A reviewer in the The Army and Navy Gazette thought the book would help officer’s wives keep up with the quality of the food served at clubs to their husbands: “This most useful little book, containing over 200 excellent receipts easy to understand, some of which are real 'nouveautés', is much to be recommended to mess cooks and others, and officers’ wives will find in it the means of propitiating the fastidious appetites of husbands who are apt to compare the luxuries of a club breakfast with domestic fare, to the disadvantage of the latter.” Mild rubbing to extremities and spine ends, else very good.